Decision Day Celebrates Seniors' Plans

Howell High School Decision Day Celebrates Seniors’ Post-Secondary Education Plans
Posted on 04/25/2024
A large group of students gathers for a group photo in a school gymnasium. They are wearing various clothing, mainly in shades of green and white, indicating support for Michigan State University, as evident by some wearing 'MSU' and 'Spartans' apparel, and the prominent display of a Michigan State University Spartans flag held in the center. The atmosphere is celebratory and collegial, with some students holding star-shaped balloons and all of them smiling or looking towards the camera. Banners in the background suggest the setting is a school event, possibly related to sports or a pep rally4/25/2024 - On Friday, April 19, Howell High School celebrated the Class of 2024 and their postsecondary education plans during the school's annual Decision Day event. The celebration featured a parade of seniors proudly displaying signs that showcased their chosen colleges, universities, or future paths, including the military, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce directly during a school-wide assembly. Also in attendance were the district's eighth-grade students from Highlander Way and Parker middle schools and fifth-grade students from Challenger Elementary and Northwest Elementary to encourage younger students to prepare early for their postsecondary education. The event included a guest speaker, Sam Larioza, Ohana Karate, owner, who shared a message that students should not shy away from the opportunities that the world will give them. He stated that the three reasons why people do not take advantage of opportunity is because they 1) Don’t see it. 2) They are scared to take it. 3) They are afraid of the hard work.

Students from Howell High School are set on various paths this fall, with destinations including prestigious institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, and The University of Michigan. Several students will also serve our country in the armed forces, while others enter the workforce and attend trade school.

Across Michigan, high schools celebrate Decision Day as part of the National College Signing Day initiative.

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